Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.

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Berlin Boundaries


Berlin Boundaries: pre-Covid, she worked at the peak of her abilities in an environment in which she was driven to the extreme. She lived together with her bipolar boyfriend. Myrwood: “I no longer fit in the role I had adopted. The urge to break free was so powerful, that I ended my relationship, quit my job and left for the unfamiliar, fascinating and exciting city of Berlin. But the longer I stayed there, the tougher it became for me. After two weeks, the boundary between day and night had faded. I found myself once again in an alienating, cold, silent city (confusing, frightening and then threatening) and I forced myself to stay. That inspired me to write this single when I got back. It was a way to express myself. See more releases

“Al vanaf de eerste seconden worden we ondergedompeld in een donkere wereld waar de zon slechts zelden haar stralen heen stuurt. Voorzichtig ingebed in de elektronische productie vinden we een zachte stem die ons meteen weet te intrigeren. Het nummer weet gedurende drie minuten de kille sfeer, die we maar al te vaak associëren met de Duitse hoofdstad, te vertalen in de productie. Het is ook net die filmische kwaliteit die ons weet te overtuigen.”  Dansende Beren, read full article

Listen to Berlin Boundaries on Spotify or iTunes.


Release Date: 23-7-2021
Genres: cinematic electronic noir, single